Monday 26 October 2009

Autumn Wonders and Mask Revealed

I went for a bit of a wander through the woods yesterday. It was time to photograph the wild roses again. This year we missed out on the Fall colours because a ten-day cold spell killed the leaves while they were still green. So it is odd walking through the wooded path with green leaves littering the ground. But it is still pretty and nicely unusual.

Some leaves had a chance to change colours, but not many.

I really lucked out on my walk. I was trying to identify a plant... while I was looking I discovered a little critter hiding out. I don't know if it is alive, so I decided it is just sleeping. I took my pictures quietly and left the ladybug to rest until Spring. I think the plant is a wild pea?

As usual, I came home full of inspiration. I spent time in my studio and finished my mask project for the quilt retreat I am attending this week. It ended up becoming a work on a 16" x 18" canvas with a painted background. I am pleased and not too shy to share it with fellow fibre artists this week.

I am away for a week now, but will have lots to share when I come home. Including all the other fibre artists trading cards. I'll post again on November 2nd. Have a good week.

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