I have been writing out my pattern directions for my sheep quilts sporadically all week. They are coming along. The quilts themselves are completed and waiting to be photographed for the envelope of the pattern. I'm happy with how they turned out.
Last week I was going to start dying my center graphic from the "spring" quilt I designed. I was delayed by the fact that our town does not have any setacolour dyes... anywhere. I ordered the dyes from Maiwa Handprints on Granville Island inVancouver last Friday and found out yesterday they did not have record of my order. Now that is straightened out... my dyes are in the mail and I h
ope, hope, hope they will be here by Tuesday at the latest. Sometimes creativity has bumps along the way.
In the meantime I have been working on the rest of this spring quilt for my son Trevor. I took many of my green bali fat quarters and cut them up into 4.5" squares. I've cut and sewn and cut and sewn and now they are all 3.25" squares with triangles of four colours in each square. I'm trying to give a sense of leaves in sunlight and wind against a blue sky... I really like the results so far and can hardly
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